This is the most AMAZING thing I've read all week. An Israeli baby who was born at 23 weeks(normal pregnancy is 40 weeks) and was pronounced dead by doctors and then placed in a refrigerator to store for the burial. The parents picked the baby up for the burial and noticed that the baby was moving. The baby grasped her mothers hand and began to open her mouth. Here is the story that I copied from
"Stillborn" baby lives after hours in cooler
Mon, Aug 18, 2008 (Reuters) — A stillborn Israeli baby who was pronounced dead by doctors "came back to life" on Monday after spending hours in a hospital refrigerator.The baby, weighing only 600 grams at birth, spent at least five hours inside one of the hospital's refrigerated storage units, before her parents, who had taken her to be buried, began noticing some movement.
"We unwrapped her and felt she was moving. We didn't believe it at first. Then she began holding my mother's hand, and then we saw her open her mouth," said 26-year-old Faiza Magdoub, the baby's mother.
The baby was pronounced dead several hours earlier, after doctors at Western Galilee hospital in northern Israel were forced to abort her mother's pregnancy because of internal bleeding. Magdoub was 23 weeks into her pregnancy.
"We don't know how to explain this, so when we don't know how to explain things in the medical world we call it a miracle, and this is probably what happened," hospital deputy director Moshe Daniel said.
The baby was then taken to the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit for further treatment, but doctors were not sure how long she will live.
Motti Ravid, a professor of internal medicine, told Israel's Channel 10 that the low temperature inside the cooler had slowed down the baby's metabolism and likely helped her survive.
-- Reuters
This story really made me feel good and assured me that God is still performing miracles. I lost a child before so I know that the mother is in SHOCK right now but thanking God all at the same time. I had to post this story. (Say a prayer for the baby she is facing a long road ahead of her)